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convocatoria plaza postdoctoral - IBiS Sevilla
Una plaza de Investigador/a Básico/a (Doctor en Biomedicina, Biología, Bioquímica o áreas afines)
Ref. 126/13-HUVR-IEntidad: IBiS-HUVR
* Plazo límite de presentación:22/07/2013 14:00 horas.
Objeto de la convocatoria.-
El objetivo de esta convocatoria es seleccionar candidatos, que cumplan los requisitos, para incorporarse a al Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla, en el campus del...
18/07/13 16:05h |
Ofertas Predoctorales Universidad de Deusto - Inteligencia Artificial y Sistemas de Transporte
PhD Studentship in Intelligent Systems applied to Mobility
DeustoTech invites applications for a studentship in the field of Intelligent Systems.
Number of vacancies: 2
The PhD studentship includes, partial tuition fees, plus a non-taxable subsistence allowance, of 16.000€ per year. The duration is 3 years. It is open to worldwide research applicants.
Deusto Institute of Technology (DeustoTech), located in Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain), is a Research Institute...
18/07/13 13:26h |
Postdoctoral Research Contract
We offer a Postdoctoral Position in our Group to pursue research in the
field of NANOMECHANICS, within the framework of an European Project
(FP7/FET‐Open) entitled “Magnetic Nanoactuators for Quantitative
Analysis” (MANAQA) (http://www.manaqa.eu/MANAQA ).
The contract will have a duration of 2 years and the gross salary will be
Specifically, the research will tackle new frontiers in the...
16/07/13 12:59h |
Organic Chemistry- MSc Studentship - Manchester Metropolitan University
At Manchester Metropolitan University, we have a Master Studentship available in the group of Dr Macia/Dr Sutcliffe/ Dr Banks.
Project Title: Turning chemistry green: The use of mechanical forces to activate synthetic processes
Project Summary: This full time 12-month project (commencing October 2013) covers a range of disciplines/areas including (but not limited to): chemical synthesis; pharmaceutical/drug analysis; forensics and computational chemistry and involve both...
11/07/13 22:51h |
Organic Chemistry- PhD Studentship - Manchester Metropolitan University
At Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester, UK) we have a PhD studentship available in the group of Dr Macia/Dr Sutcliffe/Dr Banks.
Requirements: We are looking for a candidate with an BSc(H) degree in a relevant subject related to organic chemistry. Excellent lab skills and background in organic synthesis are essential.
Salary: 1000 GBP/month
CV and covering letter (including a personal statement outlining your suitability for the study, what you hope to achieve from the PhD and...
11/07/13 22:42h |
Ofertas en ICIQ, Tarragona
Hola a tod@s
Anunciaros que en ICIQ tenemos 3 vacantes:
2 para estudiantes con máster en Física o Química Física/Teórica, con experiencia en entorno UNIX y nivel intermedio de inglés - grupo Prof. Núria López
1 para postdoc con doctorado en Física o Química Física/Teórica, experiencia en cálculos "plane-wave" periódicos y buen nivel de inglés - grupo Prof. Núria López
Ambas para cubrir ASAP
Para aplicar, enviad vuestro CV y 2 referencias (+ vuestro expediente académico de grado y...
27/06/13 12:44h |
Oferta beca FPI (cuando salga convocatoria 2013) para IPLA-CSIC
Se buscan candidatos para la próxima convocatoria de becas predoctorales FPI del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Se ofrece la posibilidad de incorporarse a un grupo de investigación del CSIC en temas relacionados con alimentos funcionales probióticos. El objetivo es llevar a cabo una tesis doctoral dentro del proyecto AGL2012-33278 titulado “Papel de las bacterias productoras de exopolisacáridos en el ecosistema oral-gastrointestinal: Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis como...
25/06/13 13:00h |
Postdoc in viral pathogenesis in cancer
10/07/2013 urgente
A post doc position is now open for a highly motivated scientist with a strong background in virology and cell biology. The project focuses on understanding how cytomegalovirus (CMV) contributes to cancer. The applicant will be working on a collaborative basic science project of groups of...
24/06/13 19:27h |
Postdoc en Biología Vegetal: Universidad de Oxford
15 Julio 2013
Se busca investigador postdoctoral para trabajar en el laboratorio de Javier Agustí en el departamento de Plant Sciences, University of Oxford (http://www.plants.ox.ac.uk/plants/). El candidato deberá mostrar motivación y disposición para competir en programas de becas postdoctorales de ámbito español (estatales o privadas), británico (Royal Society) o europeo (Marie Curie, EMBO, FEBS).
El proyectos se centrará en el estudio de aspectos básicos del desarrollo de las plantas estudiando el...
18/06/13 15:37h |
Contratos de personal investigador predoctoral en formación en la URV
Dentro del programa de becas predoctorales Martí i Franqués de la de la Universitat Rovira Virgili de Tarragona, el grupo de investigación ECoMMFiT de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química ofrece dos plazas de personal investigador:
1. Aerodynamic study of small scale wind turbines
2. Modeling of blood flow in arteries
Consultar todos los detalles de la convocatoria en los enlaces.
12/06/13 16:18h |
Tesis doctoral en Santander
Se busca candidato para realizar Tesis Doctoral en el Instituto de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de Cantabria (Universidad de Cantabria / CSIC). Licenciados en Biología, Bioquímica, Biotecnología, Química o Física. Se valorará positivamente, aunque no es requisito imprescindible, la posesión del título de Máster y el expediente académico (superior a 2,5 preferiblemente).
La persona interesada participará en un proyecto de investigación estudiando los mecanismos moleculares de motores...
04/06/13 12:42h |
Oferta Tesis Doctoral en IPLA-CSIC
Se buscan candidatos para realizar la Tesis Doctoral en el IPLA-CSIC. Villaviciosa. Asturias. Licenciados en Biología, Biotecnología, Tecnología de Alimentos, con expediente superior a 2. Preferiblemente que estén matriculados en un programa de Doctorado de la Universidad de Oviedo. Contactar con Dra. Pilar García, pgarcia en ipla.csic.es
28/05/13 16:15h |
Oferta de trabajo Programa Gerónimo Forteza
30 Mayo 2013
Se ofrece una plaza de técnico superior de investigación dentro del Programa Gerónimo Forteza de la Conselleria de Educación durante una vigencia de 6 meses bajo la dirección de la Dra. Ángeles Álvarez Ribelles, Investigadora del Departamento de Farmacología de la Facultad de Medicina y Odontología de la Universidad de Valencia.
El contrato se desarrollará en el laboratorio del Departamento de Farmacología y tratará el estudio de los efectos adversos cardiovasculares de fármacos...
23/05/13 17:52h |
Plant Science Department at the University of Oxford: Postdoctoral opportunity.
15 June 2013.
The lab of Javier Agusti in the Department of Plant Sciences at Oxford University is looking for a suitable candidate to apply to postdoctoral fellowships.
Prerequisites: Candidates must be highly motivated, hold a PhD degree or equivalent and have at least 1 first author publication.
The selected candidate will submit proposals to the major postdoc fellowship calls (either european, national or from private funding agencies). Full support and mentoring will be provided for the writing of...
06/05/13 17:53h |
Associate or Assistant Professor position in Aerospace Engineering, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid Spain
July 31, 2013
In the next weeks the University Rey Juan Carlos (http://www.urjc.es)
will offer one full time Associate or Assistant Professor position in
Aerospace Engineering (fixed term from September 2013 until August 2014
in the first instance and subject to renewal).
Within the broad area of Aerospace Engineering the University Rey Juan
Carlos is looking for an Associate or Assistant Professor who can
contribute high quality teaching and related activities in
- Airspace Exploitation,
- Flight...
26/04/13 09:48h |
Doctoral and master scholarships 2013
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili is a young university 60 mi South of Barcelona dedicated to achieving excellence high quality in research and education. Within Spain, the URV is ranked 3rd in normalized impact factor of its scientific production and 4th in the number of publications per investigator. This doctoral programme offers the possibility to perform cutting edge research with award winning and multi-project recipient faculty.
We seek candidates with an outstanding academic record...
09/04/13 11:00h |
Post-doctoral fellowship in computational systems biology
April 6, 2013
The Molecular Systems Biology Group at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNCB) – University of Coimbra, is seeking highly motivated candidates for a post‐doctoral fellowship under the project FCOMP‐01‐0124‐FEDER‐020978 (FCT ref.: PTDC/QUI‐BIQ/119657/2010) “Finding the naturally evolved design principles of prevalent metabolic circuits“. Applicants of any nationality must have a Ph. D. degree by the application deadline, a documented strong mathematical and computational...
02/04/13 15:03h |
Predoctoral position in Regulatory Genomics (bioinformatics)
19 April 2013
Research description:
We are looking for a highly motivated young scientist interested in pursuing a PhD in Computational Regulatory Genomics. The long-term goal of our group is to understand how gene expression and genome packaging is affected by genetic and epigenetic changes that happen during evolution, development and in disease, in particular cancer. The data that we use for our research are generated in collaboration with experimental groups, or retrieved from publicly available...
22/03/13 14:41h |
oferta de tesis en mecánica de los materiales en Rouen - Francia
Buenos días,
Buscamos un candidato para una tesis en mecánica de los materiales en nuestro laboratorio, el Grupo de Física de los Materiales (http://gpm.labos.univ-rouen.fr/) en Rouen, Francia, con inicio en octubre del 2013. Se trata de un estudio del comportamiento mecánico en fatiga de materiales metálicos en relación con la micro-estructura. El trabajo sera experimental y consistirá en realizar ensayos mecánicos y observación micro-estrucurales mediante la microscopia electrónica de...
22/03/13 11:45h |
2 Postdoctoral Positions in Marine Ecology at the Center for Marine Conservation (Estación Costera de Investigaciones Marinas - Las Cruces), Chile
15 de marzo de 2013
The Marine Conservation Center of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile invites applications for two positions
The Marine Conservation Center is a scientific program focused on understanding the ecology and oceanography of coastal marine communities and their interaction with the heterogeneous artisanal management and social landscape. The center is based at the Estación Costera de Investigaciones Marinas in Las Cruces and is conformed by an interdisciplinary team of leading research...
15/02/13 16:20h |
Candidate PhD student for the ABO Histo-Blood Groups and Cancer Laboratory
31 March 2013
The Institut de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer (IMPPC) is a CERCA centre located on the Can Ruti Campus in Badalona, close to Barcelona.
IMPPC Website
Research description:
The laboratory of Dr. Fumiichiro Yamamoto, Ph.D., a Senior Group Leader at the Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer (IMPPC), Badalona, Barcelona, Spain, is seeking for an energetic student with high motivation to conduct his/her Ph.D. research.
The laboratory has played a major...
15/02/13 10:38h |
postdoc CIBIO
Pos-doc positions positions at CIBIO (InBIO Associate Laboratory)
Âmbito: Programa Integrado de IC&DT - SAESCTN-PIIC&DT/1/2011
CIBIO (http://cibio.up.pt) is a young and highly dynamic Research Centre located close to Porto, in the north of Portugal, which aims to be an international Centre of Excellence in the fields of Biodiversity and Evolution, offering great opportunities for multidisciplinary and stimulating research. The Centre is part of InBIO, a Portuguese Associate...
13/02/13 12:56h |
Postdoc en ciencias políticas
7 de marzo de 2013
El Centre d´Etudes de la Vie Politique busca un investigador post doctoral en ciencias políticas para el proyecto Electoral System Changes in Europe. La plazo de solicitudes acaba el 7 de marzo de 2013.
Más información en el pdf (http://www.precarios.org/dl1613) y en la página http://www.electoralsystemchanges.eu/Public/
13/02/13 11:37h |
Becas La Caixa para estudios de doctorado en España
29/01/13 17:26h |
Postdoctoral Position
June 30, 2013
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with excellent training in cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology to work in the Division of Liver Diseases at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine with a start date between April and July of 2013 and a salary of $42,000/yr. A solid background in liver disease along with a strong publication record and good spoken and written English are essential to apply for this job. Candidates will be evaluated based on their CV, on their...
24/01/13 19:29h |
Oferta para biologos y quimicos
Os dejo un enlace con una oferta interesante (biologia y/o quimica)
22/01/13 15:29h |
2 plazas para doctorandos en ICIQ (Tarragona) - financiación europea
Hola a tod@s
En el ICIQ (Tarragona) hay abiertas 2 becas para hacer el doctorado en el grupo de la Prof. Núria López (http://www.iciq.es/portal/mid!444/ModeID!0/EhPageID!116164/350/Default.aspx)
Máster en Física, Química Física o Teórica, Ciencias de los Materiales, o Ingeniería Química
Conocimientos de computación y programación
Buen nivel de inglés
El doctorado se desarrollará dentro del Proyecto ERC-Starting Grant: "Biomass to Chemicals: Catalysis design...
21/01/13 15:56h |
becas de la Caixa
Abril 2013
05/12/12 15:17h |
Beca de investigación asociada a proyecto europeo de smartgrids
Se necesita Ingeniero/a Industrial, especialidad eléctrica, para realizar investigación dentro del Proyecto Europeo SINGULAR (Smart and Sustainable Insular Electricity Grids Under Large-Scale Renewable Integration). El tema es la integración de energías renovables en redes de distribución inteligentes (smart grids).
Para más información ver...
22/11/12 17:50h |
Contrato de investigación postdoctoral asociado a proyecto europeo de smartgrids
Buscamos un/a Doctor/a Ingeniero/a Industrial, especialidad eléctrica, para integrarse al Proyecto Europeo SINGULAR (Smart and Sustainable Insular Electricity Grids Under Large-Scale Renewable Integration). El tema es la integración de energías renovables en redes de distribución inteligentes (smart grids). Para más información ver...
22/11/12 17:45h |