
Job offer - Research Engineer/Facility Manager - Transmission Electron Microscopist

Job offer - Research Engineer/Facility Manager - Transmission Electron Microscopist
Fecha límite

INL is seeking a Transmission Electron Microscopist to join the Advanced Electron Microscopy Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility (AEMIS) to work primarily on the characterization of nanomaterials using conventional and aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy and scanning-transmission electron microscopy.

The job duties will be the following:
• Provide the daily maintenance of a Double Corrected 60-300 kV ThermoFisherFEI Titan Themis, equipped with EELS, EDS, Tomography, Monochromator and in-situ heating/biasing capabilities;

• Provide the daily maintenance of a Probe Corrected ThermoFisher 80-200 kV ChemiSTEM equipped with a probe corrector, EELS, EDS, Tomography and in-situ heating/biasing capabilities;itan 200 kV ChemiStem equipped with a probe corrector, EELS, EDS, Tomography and in-situ heating capabilities;

• Provide the daily maintenance of a conventional JEOL 2100 TEM/STEM equipped with EDS and tomography;

• Train new users in the preparation of samples, as well as use of the aforementioned instruments and support tools;

• Provide service for internal and external users;

• Develop the characterization of nanomaterials samples.

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