
Contrato predoctoral URV - Photoelectrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide

Contrato predoctoral URV - Photoelectrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide
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PhD Scholarship
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV, Tarragona, Spain)

Project: Photoelectrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide
Efficient use and storage of renewable energies is a challenge for the implementation of sustainable systems of power supply or transportation. Harnessing sunlight by converting it into chemical energy, embodied in the form of solar fuels, is a compelling strategy. Mild conversion of water and carbon dioxide into such products, inspired in natural photosynthesis, is pursued in this process in the context of circular carbon economy strategies. Based on this motivation, the candidate will design, produce and characterise photoelectrocatalytic materials based on Earth-abundant elements, and test their activity for CO2 reduction into highly energetic products (e.g. methanol or hydrocarbons) under solar irradiation. Photoelectrochemical cells will be constructed including the most promising materials produced. Sensitive parameters such as solar-to-fuel energy efficiency, or production costs, will be appraised as indicators for technological feasibility.

Post Details:
Candidates must apply for the 2nd edition of the 2019 URV Martí i Franquès programme. The call will be open shortly. Please check the following websites for specific terms and conditions:
Gross salary (1st year): 1.343,97 €/month (x 12 months)

• BSc Degree (Hons and/or top marks) in Chemistry, Materials Science, or related disciplines
• Completed MSc degree
• Skilled in inorganic chemistry, materials science and electrochemistry
• High level of English required, medium level of Spanish (and/or Catalan) preferable

Additional application documents:
• Full CV
• Certification of academic record (for both BSc and MSc)

Dr. Alberto V. Puga
alberto.puga en

+34 96 387 7805


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