
PhD Position in the Systems Biology of Infection Lab

PhD Position in the Systems Biology of Infection Lab
Fecha límite
:VACANT TITLE: PhD position –Systems Biology of Infection

Location: Autonomous University of Barcelona (08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona)

The Systems Biology of Infection Lab aims to understand how bacterial pathogens infect human cells and how the immune system reacts to infection. Our main research lines include the study of bacteria invasion systems and the development of new antibiotics targeting host-pathogen protein-protein interactions. More information can be found in the group’s webpage:
The open position is in the field of structural and computational biology. The goal is to use molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning to understand how pathogens rewire the host interactome.

Title of the position:
o PhD position in Systems Biology

Required skills:
The candidate has to possess a MSc in Computational Biology or a related discipline at the moment of the application or to be obtained before 15/09/2018. Other important skills include:
o Strong background in Computational Biology and Statistics.
o Programming skills including R and python.
o Experience in analysis of proteomics, NextGen sequencing and/or confocal microscopy data will be valued.
o Good communication skills and fluency in spoken and written English.
o Strong sense of responsibility, initiative, self-motivation and social skills as key personal abilities.

Applicants should submit a full Curriculum Vitae and a motivation letter to: marc.torrent en


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