
PhD position (FPI) in Data Analysis for Human Neuroscience

PhD position (FPI) in Data Analysis for Human Neuroscience
Fecha límite

We are looking for a highly motivated person take a fully funded PhD position in the field of human neuroscience. The research will be carried out in the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC; at the University of Granada, Spain. The CIMCYC is equipped with a 3T Siemens MRI System, TMS (with robotic assistance and neuronavigator), and several compatible eye trackers and EEG recording systems.

The ideal candidate should have a Master Degree on fields related to the analysis of neuroimaging data (f/MRI and/or EEG) from humans. Previous training in physics, biological engineering or computer science (or related degrees) is preferred. Advanced programming skills (e.g. in Matlab, Python) and English proficiency are also highly desirable.

The selected person will join the Human Neuroscience lab ( of the University of Granada. In the project, we will employ fMRI and EEG data to study how the human brain represents relevant information and prepares to face challenging situations.

Interested candidates who fulfill the relevant criteria mentioned above, should contact the PI of the project (Maria Ruz, mruz en and send their CV, a letter of motivation and contact information of two referees who could provide letters of recommendation.

Starting date is flexible, from October 2017 until March 2018.


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