
1 PhD Position available in Bio-based Materials

1 PhD Position available in Bio-based Materials
Fecha límite
30 Octubre 2011

Research Topic

Developping CO2 neutral materials from renewable resources to substitute petroleum-based materials is urgently needed to address global warning and other environmental challenges. Within the scope of the Germany-Brazil cooperation project NoPa – New Partnerships: Linking Academic Cooperation with Technical Cooperation, we propose to valorize harvesting residues of the tropical forests in the Amazon region (eg: native cellulose microfibrils) to develop cellulose nanofiber reinforcements for nanocomposite materials. Our initial work with plant biomass indicates that cellulose nano-fibers with excellent mechanical properties and functionalities can be prepared by using green-technologies. In this project, we propose the preparation of cellulose-nanofibers by using novel green-chemistry technologies, as well as the assessment of feasibility of this green-nanotechnology in the performance improvement of nanocomposite materials for packaging, biomedicine and automotive industry. This research project will therefore address polymer chemistry and physical-chemistry aspects, with the preparation and characterization of cellulose-nanofibers from forest harvesting residues, as well as polymer engineering, physics and material science aspects, with the development of cellulose-filled nanocomposites and the study of structure/ morphology /performance relationships.

Required and Preferred Qualifications

A Bachelor degree and a Master degree in Chemistry, Polymer Material Sciences, Wood Sciences or related topics are required. Research experiences in any of the following topics: polymer physical-chemistry including polymer material characterization techniques, wood chemistry, biopolymer field, carbohydrate chemistry, are favorably considered. Excellent communication skills in English are necessary, while knowledge of German and a research experience in Germany are greatly appreciated.
What we Offer
You will work within a dynamic research team which has recently established a new program in bio-based polymers and composites at the University of Freiburg within the Freiburg Material Research Center, FMF, ( and the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences. You will therefore have access to excellent facilities and equipment for polymer chemistry and material characterization. Besides, as part of a Germany-Brazil project funded by GIZ and DAAD, you will have the opportunity to evolve within an interdisciplinary and international research team with possibilities for research stays in partner laboratories in Brazil. Your salary will be based on a 50% TV-L E13 position, that can go until TV-L E13/ Stufe 3 when the applicant qualification applies for. The project start date is November 2011 with a minimum duration of 26 months.
About Freiburg and the University
The University of Freiburg ( is one of the nine Excellence Universities in Germany, located at the footsteps of the Black Forest Mountains in beautiful Freiburg im Breisgau, which has an excellent regional and international communication network. Freiburg “Green City” offers a lively culture and large diversity due to its location at the border of France and Switzerland. It is surrounded by the scenic black forest mountain range, offering excellent access for outdoors activites within a few minutes of downtown. To learn more about Freiburg visit

To Apply

Please email your application package to fobawi en using the subject line NoPa PhD, preferably as one single pdf file, by October 30, 2011, including:
i) a letter of motivation explaining why you might be a good fit (2 p. max),
ii) a detailed CV including your list of publications
iii) 2 reference letters (preferred) or the contact information of 2 referees.
For further information on the project, feel free to contact directly Anayancy Osorio-Madrazo at:
Group leader ‘Green-chemistry on Biomaterials’
Institute of Forest Utilization and Works Science
Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg
Werthmannstr. 6, 79085 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0)761 203 9242
Fax: +49 (0)761 203 3763
anayancy.osorio en
or Marie-Pierre Laborie at:
Prof. Marie-Pierre LABORIE
Institute of Forest Utilization and Works Science
Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg
Werthmannstr. 6, 79085 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0)761 203 97617
Fax: +49 (0)761 203 3763
marie-pierre.laborie en


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