Carrera Investigadora

Carrera Investigadora

equivalencia de la figura de "ayudante" en el extranjero

mensajes: 83

Buenos días a todos,

He terminado mi "contrato" de prof. ayudante no doctor y estoy buscando un postdoc. Lo que no sé es cómo traducir ese "contrato" para que lo entiendan en el extranjero. He visto que en las universidades anglosajonas, hay como una serie de términos** que no entiendo, y no sé si alguno de ellos puede ser mi caso. ¿Alquien sabe la respuesta?

Muchas gracias

    • 01 Successfully completed an institutional provision in teaching in the higher education sector accredited against the UK Professional Standards Framework

02 Recognised by the Higher Education Academy as an Associate Fellow
03 Recognised by the Higher Education Academy as a Fellow
04 Recognised by the Higher Education Academy as a Senior Fellow
05 Recognised by the Higher Education Academy as a Principal Fellow
06 Holder of a National Teaching Fellowship Scheme Individual Award
07 Holder of a PGCE in higher education, secondary education, further education, life long learning or any other equivalent UK qualification
08 Accredited as a teacher of their subject by a professional UK body
09 Other UK accreditation or qualification in teaching in the higher education sector

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