
Convocatorias Predoctorales: FPI, FPU, CCAA, Fundaciones

Beca predoctoral - Física / Química Física - Fundación ICIQ, Tarragona

posts: 6

La Prof. Nuria Lopez ofrece una beca para hacer el doctorado bajo su supervisión en el ICIQ Tarragona. Imprescindible tener un máster en Física o Física Química o, en caso de estar cursando uno, acabarlo este curso 2022-23.

Proyecto: "Metal-oxide interfaces for CO2 conversion". Metals in contact with oxides change their electronic and geometric properties, this affects for instance the conversion of CO2 to methanol. We will employ atomistic simulations together with long-term simulations to address phenomena like the strong metal-support interaction.#physics #física #physicalchemistry

Convocatoria: https://iciq-my.sharepoint.com/personal/dloughran_iciq_es/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fdloughran%5Ficiq%5Fes%2FDocuments%2FCalls%2F1st%20ICIQ%20PhD%20Call%202023%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fdloughran%5Ficiq%5Fes%2FDocuments%2FCalls&ga=1

Envío de candidaturas (hasta el 05/03/2023): https://careers.iciq.org/jobs/2407044-iciq-phd-fellowship-programme-2023-first-call

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