
Seeking a PhD Candidate to work at the chemistry/biology interface

Seeking a PhD Candidate to work at the chemistry/biology interface
Fecha límite
  • Opportunity to learn and work in a multidisciplinary group, in a challenging and cutting‐edge research environment and in one of the best research centers of Chemistry in Spain, the Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS).
  • Many previous PhD students in the groups made successful careers: 1 ERC-StG, 7 Ramón y Cajal fellows, 7 MSCA-IF and 9 Juan de la Cierva fellows.
  • Research work: Interdisciplinary collaborative project at the interface between synthetic chemistry, catalysis and chemical biology aiming the development of metallocatalysts for biological purposes.

Research topic: “Organometallic catalysis in biological settings” (Prof. José L. Mascareñas, Dr. María Tomás-Gamasa).
Research Center: CiQUS (, Univ. Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Group: Metbiocat (
Starting Date: Between September and October, 2020.
Terms and conditions: The candidate will apply for a scholarship (Galician, Spanish) and, in the interim period, the group will support him/her.

• Bachelor degree in Chemistry, and academic rank higher than 8 (over 10).
• Master in Chemistry (organic synthesis or chemical biology) already completed or to be completed during the current semester.
• We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team‐working ability.
• Previous experience in research activities in organic synthesis, metal catalysis and/or chemical biology will be highly considered.
• The name and email of a contacting professor or researcher that know the applicant should be provided.

In case of interest: Send a brief CV (maximum 2 pages), with qualification marks, and the name/s of a/some professor/s or researcher/s that might write a reference letter to indicating in the subject “Predoc @metbiocat”.


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