
Research fellowship candidate (5 months, 3000 euros)

Research fellowship candidate (5 months, 3000 euros)
Fecha límite
24th April 2019

We look for a candidate to apply for a JAE Intro fellowship ( to work in the field of fluorinated nanoparticles with applications in nanomedicine and nanotoxicity.

Candidates should fulfill at least one of these requisites:
- They will graduate this year.
- They are planning to carry out an official University Master during 2019-2020 (proof must be provided).
- They are registered in an official University Master for 2018-2019.

In addition, their academic average grade must be 8 or more.

If the application is successful, the candidate will incorporate to the FluoroNanoTools lab ( at Instituto Biofisika in Leioa along October 2019 and for 5 months.

If interested, contact Dr. Mónica Carril at monica.carrilg en before 24th April.


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