
Se oferta Postdoc en procesado de Imagen Médica

Se oferta Postdoc en procesado de Imagen Médica
Fecha límite

Se oferta un puesto de investigador postdoctoral en la Universidad de Valladolid, con financiación asegurada por dos años. Adjunto información de la plaza:

The position is related to the research project entitled: "Clinical biomarkers with Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging: from research tool to diagnosis". The aim of the project is to find new quantitative measures based on diffusion MRI that are accurate, precise, robust, reproducible and invariant to the acquisition process and to the parameter estimation. These new measures are intended to be used as quantitative imaging biomarkers for diagnosis, treatment planning and multicenter studies. The definition of these imaging biomarkers will rely on a study of the sources of variability and the repeatability of the process of diffusion data acquisition, as well as the analysis of the robustness of the related algorithms and the definition of a proper acquisition protocol. The proposed biomarkers will be applied to three different cases of use: (1) The study of chronic migraine for diagnostic and treatment planning purposes, using brain diffusion related biomarkers; (2) Hepatic tumor characterization using isotropic diffusion measures in abdominal MRI; and (3) Standardization of protocols for multicenter DMRI studies of Alzheimer's disease.

The candidate will be responsible for coordinating the activities related to diffusion models beyond the diffusion tensor (qballs, odfs, Kustosis imaging, CHARMED, multishell models...), with the possibility of leading PhD students. The main goal of their work will be related with the definition of new clinical biomarkers based on advanced diffusion models.

Applicants must hold a PhD relevant to the research area and must demonstrate experience in diffusion MRI. A strong mathematical and statistical background will be appreciated.

For further information regarding this position, please contact Dr. Santiago Aja-Fernandez at sanaja en The position will start along 2015 or as soon as possible.

2 year postdoctoral position
Salary 33.600 € / year
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

Applications including a CV, a brief description of their research interests, and a list of at least 3 references should be sent to Dr. Aja-Fernandez, no later than February 28, 2015.

Santiago Aja-Fernández
ETSI Telecomunicación
Universidad de Valladolid
Campus Miguel Delibes
47011 Valladolid, Spain
sanaja en


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