
PhD position available in Microbial Systems Biology

PhD position available in Microbial Systems Biology
Fecha límite
November 2013

The Institute for Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC), Santander, is looking for a strongly motivated student who whishes to conduct his/her PhD in the field of Microbial Systems Biology. The project deals with the evolution of regulatory circuits in bacteria and the development of synthetic circuits for biotechnological purposes. We offer a four year contract including tuition for the Master of Biomedicine at UC-EHU.

Students with a degree on Physics /Engineering/Math are preferred although students from Biology-related disciplines with a strong mathematical background are also encouraged to apply. The project will involve both experimental and theoretical/computational work. Previous experience in microfluidics, probability theory or microbiology is a plus.

Candidates should send a C.V, two contact references and a brief statement of research interests to rflopez en


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