
Oferta postdoctoral en EMBL en química combinacional en chips de microfluidos

Oferta postdoctoral en EMBL en química combinacional en chips de microfluidos
Fecha límite

We aim to develop an integrated microfluidic platform for on-chip synthesis and characterization of ten- thousands of bioactive molecules. This should allow for the very first time combining large-scale combinatorial chemistry and biochemical testing in a single microscopic device. As a direct application we will use the system for the identification of novel and potentially highly specific phosphatase inhibitors.

The postdoc will strongly benefit from the highly interdisciplinary nature of this project. He/she will not only learn how to design, manufacture and optimize different microfluidic devices, but also become an expert in combinatorial chemistry and chemical biology. Candidates with a strong background in chemistry or engineering, with a strong drive to learn both, are invited to apply.

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is amongst the very best research institutes in the world and provides state of the art equipment. The working language is english and salaries are far above the average.

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