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Partner for monoxy proposal

mensajes: 84 Islas_Salomón

Desde Holanda, una compañera me pide que os pida ayuda para encontrar un partner de un proyecto europeo.


We are currently writing a proposal to respond to the environment call:

Area Cross cutting activities relevant to GEO

ENV 2008. Monitoring & observation oxygen depletion throughout the different earth system components

The dealine for a proposal is the 25th of februari.

At the moment we have set up an almost complete consortium that aims to model and monitor oxygen depletion in coastal and inland waters. We are currently missing a partner that could help us to study southern reservoirs, as case study. Our main objecxtive will be to assimilate remote sensing information in relative simple rule based models. We will try to maximize the use of high quality remote sensing products (Chl-a TSM CDOM Kd TS) in order to monitor the chain of events leading to potential and actual oxygen depletion.

We would be looking for a partner who has some experience or interest in remote sensing of Spanish lakes/reservoirs and has the facilities to work with us during the project on the problem of oxygen depletion monitoring, using in-situ methods and remote sensing methods.

The partner should have access to a lake that is large enough to be visible to remote sensing. (more than 1x1 km);

The institute should have a good publication record and sound experience in e.g. aquatic ecology.

They should also have experiencer with EC projects, otherwise it will be too difficult to work through all the paperwork with them in only one week...

Best regards,

Steef Peters
steef.peters en

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