Convocatorias Predoctorales: FPI, FPU, CCAA, Fundaciones

Convocatorias Predoctorales: FPI, FPU, CCAA, Fundaciones

URGENTE! Oferta FPI en Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a datos experimentales de Fusión Nuclear

mensajes: 1

Predoctoral position in Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión at CIEMAT (Madrid)
Title: Artificial Intelligence techniques applied to Nuclear Fusion

Apply here ->

Introduction: Nuclear Fusion is the energy source of the stars. Harnessing this kind of power would
result in a virtually limitless form of energy that, unlike fossil fuels, emits zero greenhouse gases
without producing long-life radioactive waste. However, several complex and undesirable
phenomena may take place in the most promising configuration of these kind of devices and they
represent a severe obstacle for the future commercial exploitation of fusion reactors.

Position: This PhD position is focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to
nuclear fusion experimental data to tackle the abovementioned problems. Physics models will be
extracted using these techniques to predict and to analyse instabilities. The objective is to solve key
issues of these devices that may represent the ultimate solution towards a sustainable energy model.

Conditions: The 4-year FPI PhD contract is funded by CIEMAT.
The candidate must have a Master's Degree in Physics or any branch of Engineering (following the
Bologna Declaration) or alternatively be registered or admitted in a doctoral program at a university
department on a related subject, at the time of signing the contract (see details in the official call).
Main considerations for selection are excellent grades, very good command of written and spoken
English and experience in programming languages such as Matlab or Python.
The PhD student will be expected to work with massive databases, applying different AI methods to
extract, model and characterize relevant physics phenomena. We offer close supervision and a
stimulating international environment with possible research stays in the United Kingdom (JET),
Japan (JT60-SA) and Germany (ASDEX-Upgrade), as well as presentation of results at meetings and

Thesis supervisor:
Giuseppe A. Rattá Gutiérrez
giuseppe.ratta at

''CIEMAT is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Eliminating gender inequalities by promoting
equal opportunities for men and women is a core compromise of our group and it is our commitment to
establish the necessary actions to close the gender gap''

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