Convocatorias Postdocs

Convocatorias Postdocs

Apply for Post doc on impulsivity and neuropsychiatry studies using fMRI and brain stimulation (HM-CINAC, Madrid, Spain)

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We are looking for a motivated post-doctoral fellow to apply together in an Caixa-funded research call ( led by Ignacio Obeso ( at HM-CINAC (Madrid, Spain).

The hosting group is a growing multidisciplinary international and very competitive team in the field of cognitive and clinical neuroscience, embedded within Hospitales Madrid-Puerta del Sur ( The candidate will work in a young and vibrant atmosphere with experts in other inter-related disciplines in neuroscience (neurology, engineers, animal models, psychiatry, neurosurgery…). Specifically, the focus of our team lies in 3 inter-related research lines in human cognition: investigating the prefrontal-striatal interactions during cognitive control, understanding the mechanisms behind excessive behaviours associated to dopamine and exploring habits in everyday-life and laboratory settings. We offer world-class training and networking opportunities combined with an intellectually vibrant and inspiring research culture.
• Candidates should have earned their doctoral degree two to seven years prior to the deadline of the call for applications.
• Candidates must have resided or have carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the closing date of the call.
• Candidates must have a PhD in neuroscience, biomedical engineering, psychiatry, neuropsychology or related field.
• Fluent in English (written and spoken); Spanish is not required.
• Scripting languages (e.g. Matlab, Python, R or similar).
• Previous experience in neuroimaging tools (SPM, FSL, fmriPrep, ANTs, etc).
• Help mentor graduate students in the lab.
• Attend and present in weekly lab meetings.
• Present research findings at international conferences.

The Project aims to discover neural changes associated to excessive behaviours in impulse control disorders (ICD) in PD. Specifically, we aim to decipher the neurocognitive changes associated to reward-learning and cognitive control as well as excessive use of habitual actions in patients with ICD. The studies will involve behavioural and psycho-physiological measures combined with imaging and brain stimulation to define the critical hubs responsible for ICD and trying to restore them.

• 3-year full-time contract.
• Access to state-of-the-art neuroscience techniques in neuroimaging (3T PET-MRI Siemens), brain stimulation (magnetic, electrical, ultrasound), cognition (behavioural tests, neuropsychology clinic, eye-tracking, psycho-physiology) and clinical procedures (brain lesions, pharmacotherapy) as well as analytic tools and know-how.
• Training programme (face-to-face and online) on transversal skills, innovation and leadership.
• Fellows will be required to pursue a mandatory international and/or intersectoral secondment (3-6 months) within their research projects in an institution freely proposed by the fellows themselves.
• Extensive training possibilities in complementary skills including computational methods, brain connectivity models and brain stimulation tools.

Starting date: Between 2nd May and 30th September 2022
If you are interested, send your CV and contact details of 2 previous references to iobeso.hmcinac en or i.obesomartin en no later than September 20th 2021 indicating in the subject: Postdoc Retaining

Best regards,

Dr Ignacio Obeso
HM CINAC | Integrated Neuroscience Centre
San Pablo-CEU University
✉: Av. Carlos V, 70, 28938, Móstoles, Madrid (Spain)
@: i.obesomartin en

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