
Historia del Ítem de Formulario-bd

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3 32 Descripción
 __Be part of the Excellence. Be a CiQUS Maker!__ __Be part of the Excellence. Be a CiQUS Maker!__
-{youtube movie="""""""" width=""""300"""" height=""""170""""} +{youtube movie="""""""" width=""""400"""" height=""""200""""}
2 32 Descripción
 __Be part of the Excellence. Be a CiQUS Maker!__ __Be part of the Excellence. Be a CiQUS Maker!__
-{youtube movie="""""""" privacyEnhanced=""""n"""" width=""""300"""" quality=""""medium""""} +{youtube movie="""""""" width=""""300"""" height=""""170""""}
1 32 Descripción
-The group of [|Dr. María Giménez-López], ERC Starting Grant holder and Ramón y Cajal Researcher, is seeking for __2 Postdoctoral candidates with strong interest in Chemistry and/or Nanomaterials Science__ to carry out research at the FunNanoMatLab at CiQUS. This appointment forms part of the cutting-edge project ERC-StG NANOCOMP (link is external), funded by the European Research Council (ERC). +__Be part of the Excellence. Be a CiQUS Maker!__{youtube movie="""""""" privacyEnhanced=""""n"""" width=""""300"""" quality=""""medium""""}The group of [|Dr. María Giménez-López], ERC Starting Grant holder and Ramón y Cajal Researcher, is seeking for __2 Postdoctoral candidates with strong interest in Chemistry and/or Nanomaterials Science__ to carry out research at the FunNanoMatLab at CiQUS. This appointment forms part of the cutting-edge project [http://|ERC-StG NANOCOMP|], funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

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