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1 31 Tema
-2 PhD contract at Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Barcelona +2 PhD contracts at Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Barcelona
      32 Descripción
-The Group Leader of Nanoionics and Fuel Cells is seeking a PhD student to work on a European Project (ERC Consolidator Grant) devoted to the development of breakthrough concepts for micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (uSOFC). +The Group Leader of Nanoionics and Fuel Cells is looking for a PhD student to work on a European Project (ERC Consolidator Grant) devoted to the development of breakthrough concepts for micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (uSOFC).
 __Description:__ Energy requirements of portable devices are exponentially increasing while the capacity of the current battery technology is not progressing accordingly. Novel miniaturized devices able to efficiently operate in continuous mode by using a fuel are receiving increased attention. Micro-fuel cells and, in particular, micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (m-SOFCs) are considered one of the most promising candidates due to their high specific energy and power, two times higher than conventional Li-ion batteries. One of the most promising approaches for the miniaturization of SOFCs is based on the silicon technology commonly used to fabricate MEMS devices and 3D printing of ceramics for the encapsulation. This approach ensures high reproducibility and reliability, cheap mass production and easy integration in mainstream technology.  __Description:__ Energy requirements of portable devices are exponentially increasing while the capacity of the current battery technology is not progressing accordingly. Novel miniaturized devices able to efficiently operate in continuous mode by using a fuel are receiving increased attention. Micro-fuel cells and, in particular, micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (m-SOFCs) are considered one of the most promising candidates due to their high specific energy and power, two times higher than conventional Li-ion batteries. One of the most promising approaches for the miniaturization of SOFCs is based on the silicon technology commonly used to fabricate MEMS devices and 3D printing of ceramics for the encapsulation. This approach ensures high reproducibility and reliability, cheap mass production and easy integration in mainstream technology.

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