
Historia del Ítem de Formulario-bd

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6 32 Descripción
 The PhD studentship includes, partial tuition fees, plus a non-taxable subsistence allowance, of around 16.000€ per year. The duration is 3 years. It is open to UE research applicants. The PhD studentship includes, partial tuition fees, plus a non-taxable subsistence allowance, of around 16.000€ per year. The duration is 3 years. It is open to UE research applicants.
-*Vacancy #1: PhD Studentship in Pedestrian Indoor Localization, Tracking, and Mapping with Heterogeneous Technologies*Vacancy #2: PhD Studentship in RFID Anti-collision Protocols*Vacancy #3: PhD Studentship in Intelligent Systems applied to Mobility +!!!Vacancy #1: PhD Studentship in Pedestrian Indoor Localization, Tracking, and Mapping with Heterogeneous Technologies!!!Vacancy #2: PhD Studentship in RFID Anti-collision Protocols!!!Vacancy #3: PhD Studentship in Intelligent Systems applied to Mobility
 !!General requirements !!General requirements
5 32 Descripción
 The PhD studentship includes, partial tuition fees, plus a non-taxable subsistence allowance, of around 16.000€ per year. The duration is 3 years. It is open to UE research applicants. The PhD studentship includes, partial tuition fees, plus a non-taxable subsistence allowance, of around 16.000€ per year. The duration is 3 years. It is open to UE research applicants.
-!!!Vacancy #1: PhD Studentship in Pedestrian Indoor Localization, Tracking, and Mapping with Heterogeneous Technologies!!!Vacancy #2: PhD Studentship in RFID Anti-collision Protocols!!!Vacancy #3: PhD Studentship in Intelligent Systems applied to Mobility +*Vacancy #1: PhD Studentship in Pedestrian Indoor Localization, Tracking, and Mapping with Heterogeneous Technologies*Vacancy #2: PhD Studentship in RFID Anti-collision Protocols*Vacancy #3: PhD Studentship in Intelligent Systems applied to Mobility
 !!General requirements !!General requirements
4 31 Tema
-Ofertas Predoctorales Universidad de Deusto +Ofertas Predoctorales Universidad de Deusto (DeustoTech)
3 32 Descripción
 Applicants should forward their CV and a summary of research interests to Asier Perallos, at Applicants should forward their CV and a summary of research interests to Asier Perallos, at
- +{file type=""""gallery"""" fileId=""""1687""""}
2 32 Descripción
 Applicants should forward their CV and a summary of research interests to Asier Perallos, at Applicants should forward their CV and a summary of research interests to Asier Perallos, at
-{file type=""""gallery"""" fileId=""""721""""} +
1 32 Descripción
 Applicants should forward their CV and a summary of research interests to Asier Perallos, at Applicants should forward their CV and a summary of research interests to Asier Perallos, at
- +{file type=""""gallery"""" fileId=""""721""""}

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