
Historia del Ítem de Formulario-bd

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2 31 Tema
-Opportunity to apply for postdoctoral fellowships to join the Plant Science Department at the University of Oxford + Plant Science Department at the University of Oxford: Postdoctoral opportunity.
      32 Descripción
-The lab of Javier Agusti has been recently established in the Department of Plant Sciences at Oxford University. The lab is currently looking for suitable candidate to apply to postdoctoral fellowships. +The lab of Javier Agusti in the Department of Plant Sciences at Oxford University is looking for a suitable candidate to apply to postdoctoral fellowships.
 Prerequisites: Candidates must be highly motivated, hold a PhD degree or equivalent and have at least 1 first author publication.  Prerequisites: Candidates must be highly motivated, hold a PhD degree or equivalent and have at least 1 first author publication.
-The selected candidate will submit proposals to the major postdoc fellowship calls (either european, national or from private funding agencies). Full support and mentoring will be provided for the writing of the proposal, both from the PI and the department of Plant Sciences at Oxford University. For more information about the research performed in the lab, please visit: or email +The selected candidate will submit proposals to the major postdoc fellowship calls (either european, national or from private funding agencies). Full support and mentoring will be provided for the writing of the proposal, both from the PI and from members of the department of Plant Sciences at Oxford University. For more information about the research performed in the lab, please visit: or email
1 32 Descripción
 The lab of Javier Agusti has been recently established in the Department of Plant Sciences at Oxford University. The lab is currently looking for suitable candidate to apply to postdoctoral fellowships.  The lab of Javier Agusti has been recently established in the Department of Plant Sciences at Oxford University. The lab is currently looking for suitable candidate to apply to postdoctoral fellowships.
      180 Fecha límite
-1 September 2013. +15 June 2013.

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