
Contrato investigador postdoctoral en Castellón sobre Computational Cognitive Science

Contrato investigador postdoctoral en Castellón sobre Computational Cognitive Science
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22 de Mayo

The Decision and Memory group( at the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló de la Plana, Spain seeks a motivated postdoctoral scholar to study the influence of long-term memory processes on creativity and social cognition using computational cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience methods(neuroimaging, behavior, and computational models). The position is expected to last 2 years and involves applying social and semantic network models to data that the candidate will collect from novel online behavioral and fMRI paradigms.

Competitive applicants will have a PhD in cognitive science, experimental psychology, mathematical psychology, computational neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, network science, natural language processing, or a related field. Applicants are ideally looking to build innovative careers in academia or big data analysis in industry. Postdoc candidates that have recently completed (or will complete) their PhD are particularly encouraged to apply, where they will have ample opportunity to be sponsored for regional, national, and European independent research fellowships.

Some experience programming in R or Python, designing psychology experiments, or developing computational models are required for this position. Experience or interest using semantic or social network analyses, behavioral models, computational neuroscience models, or fMRI methods is a plus. The position is expected to commence this autumn. Research in our group currently focuses on how human episodic and spatial memory influence decision-making and social cognition.

To apply, interested candidates should directly contact the group director, Raphael Kaplan at kaplan en with a 1-2 paragraph cover/motivation letter, CV, and contact info for three references by May 22, 2023. Please feel free to direct any questions about the position to Dr. Kaplan.

We would be grateful if you could circulate this position to any students or colleagues.

Kind regards,
Raphael Kaplan


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