
Dos becas predoctorales - ICIQ, Tarragona - Física, química teórica, materiales

Dos becas predoctorales - ICIQ, Tarragona - Física, química teórica, materiales
Fecha límite

La Prof. Núria López ofrece dos becas predoctorales para realizar la tesis en el proyecto "Metal-oxide and oxide-oxide interfaces for CO2 recycling"

Referencia: PhD 2022-17/18 NL

Envío de candidaturas: sólo a través de

Cuantía de la beca:
First and Second year of PhD: 16.971,64 € /year
Third year of PhD: 18.183,90 € /year
Fourth year of PhD: 22.729,87 € /year

Description of the project:
The aim of the project is to recycle CO2 into useful chemicals like methanol, thus abating climate change, through materials formed by metals supported in oxides. A combined approach with the newest machine learning techniques and state-of-the-art atomistic simulations will be employed to address these very versatile materials.

Preferred skills or background:

Physics condensed matter
Theoretical Chemistry
Programming python
High English level

Imprescindible haber acabado un máster y ser aceptado en el programa de doctorado de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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