
Machine Learning positions

Machine Learning positions
Fecha límite
17 Julio

The candidate will be part of the Intelligent System Group at Universidad de Alcalá ( We offer 2 positions, both require a Degree in Computer Science or similar. An Msc will be a plus. The conditions are:

  • One full time job to work on Machine Learning techniques. The candidate should be less than 30 years. This position will be funded by the Garantia Juvenil Program. It is an "Ayudante de Investigación" position. Duration: 1 year. Start date 18th July.
  • One partial time job on Artificial Intelligence and robotics for 6 months. The contract can be extended until March as well as the number of hours based on performance. knowledge on ROS will be positively evaluated.

The candidates can telework most of their time. European nationality is required or a VISA to work in Europe.


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