
Contrato a cargo de proyecto == Postdoctoral # 2 (IDIBAPS & ICREA, Barcelona): "Role of plasticity factors ZEB1 and ZEB2 in macrophages in inflammation"

Contrato a cargo de proyecto == Postdoctoral # 2 (IDIBAPS & ICREA, Barcelona): "Role of plasticity factors ZEB1 and ZEB2 in macrophages in inflammation"
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__Job Offer: Postdoctoral Position (Macrophage/Inflammation)
Group of Gene Regulation of Cellular Plasticity & Differentiation in Inflammation and Cancer (IDIBAPS & ICREA, Barcelona, Spain)

The Group of Gene Regulation of Cellular Plasticity & Differentiation in Inflammation and Cancer (IDIBAPS & ICREA, Barcelona, Spain ) has obtained funding from a private research foundation to hire a postdoc to work on the role of the plasticity EMT factors ZEB1 and ZEB2 in macrophages during acute (sepsis) and chronic (autoimmune diseases, psoriasis) inflammation. The ZEB1 and ZEB1 factors play important roles in homeostasis and disease regulating stemness (normal/cancer stem cells), differentiation, tissue regeneration, and tumor initiation and progression.

The successful candidates will join a dynamic and international group of postdoc and PhD students in a leading research center in downtown Barcelona.

The project will make use of a wide array of state-of-the-art techniques, and in vitro and in vivo approaches including unique transgenic mouse models and high-throughput and OMICs technologies.


Essential Requirements
★ PhD degree in Biology or related bio- medical discipline obtained not earlier than January 2019.
★ Strong publication record with at least 2-3 first-author articles in high impact journals
★ Solid background in Molecular and Cellular Biology.
★ Experience in mouse models

Desirable Experience
Candidates with proven experience in any of the following topics will receive higher consideration in the selection process: macrophage biology (acute/chronic inflammation, cancer) molecular oncology, metabolism, epigenetics, transcriptomics, and/or bioinformatics.

The positions are available immediately. The salary will be commensurate with the expertise and the publication record.

For further information about the work in the group visit & Applications should include: a) complete CV, b) the names and contact details of three researchers that have supervised the candidate’s work. Additional inquiries and applications should be sent to: idibaps.postigo3 en indicating “Postdoc Call TAMs 2021” in the subject of the email.

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (recent articles as corresponding author)
★ Gut 66:666. IF: 23.0
★ Gut 68:2129. IF: 23.0
★ Nature Commun 10:1364. IF: 14.9
★ Nature Commun 9:2424. IF: 14.9

★ Nature Commun 5:5660. IF: 14.9

★ Nature Commun 4:2650. IF: 14.9
★ Sci Advances 7:abd7455 IF: 14.1
★ Nucleic Acids Res 46:10697. IF: 16.9
★ Cell Death Differ 21:247. IF:15.8

★ Clin Cancer Res 19:1071. IF: 12.7
★ EMBO J 36:3336. IF: 11.6


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