
Postdoc Position

Postdoc Position
Fecha límite

PhD Research Position in Supramolecular Chemistry and
Molecular Materials at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
We are looking for motivated scientists to work in the interdisciplinary Nanostructured
Molecular Systems and Materials group (MSMn) at the Institute for Advanced Research in
Chemical Sciences (IAdChem) in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

PhD Position
Application Deadline 11/11/2021
Expected Starting Date Around: 01/01/2022
Duration 4 years
Main background Organic Chemistry
Additional experience
(not required, but positively

- Supramolecular chemistry / Molecular Materials


- Master required
- Excellent Grades in Bachelor and Master studies
- Good English level
- Motivation

Research Focus

The group’s research interests focus on the development of new,
versatile strategies to improve or create novel functions in organic
materials by rationally ordering molecules at the nanoscale using
several self-assembly tools. The potential applications of such

nanostructured systems are diverse, and focus on optoelectronic π-
functional devices, self-healing polymers, catalysis, biomedicine, or

nanoporous materials.

Funding Project

FPI Fellowship associated to the project: Novel Functional Systems and Materials from Molecular Self-Assembly
(FunAssembly - PID2020-116921GB-I00) WebPage (additional info)

Applications should be submitted to: david.gonzalez.rodriguez en including:
• CV with publications list and contact details of at least two referees
• Optional: motivation letter, research summary, recommendation letters, etc.


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