
Contrato predoctoral en Bioinformática - Munich

Contrato predoctoral en Bioinformática - Munich
Fecha límite

The Beltrán and Kerschensteiner Labs at the Biomedical Center of the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich are looking for a PhD student in Bioinformatics. The candidate will develop bioinformatic methods for integrative analysis of scRNA-seq and snRNA-seq datasets from multiple sclerosis (MS) human samples and related MS models. Such integrative analysis of MS related data sets will allow us to identify and remove from the equation the species-specific or model-specific mechanisms and thereby improve the translational predictability of preclinical models and facilitate the functional interpretation of MS-related changes in the immune and nervous systems.

We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic and hard-working applicants with bioinformatics background, who are fluent in English. The starting date for this position is flexible, but we aim for beginning of 2022. Funding for this project is secured for 3 years. If you are interested in the position please send a letter of motivation, your CV and the names and contact details of 2 to 3 references to: Eduardo.Beltran en

Dr. Eduardo Beltrán, Group Leader, Single-cell Genomics Lab, Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology

Prof. Dr. med. Martin Kerschensteiner, Chair, Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology

Selected recent publications from our groups:

• Hiltensperger et al., Nature Immunology 22, 880–892 (2021)

• Jafari et al., Nature Neuroscience 24(3):355-367 (2021)

• Beltrán et al., Journal of Clinical Investigations 129(11):4758-4768 (2019)

• Locatelli et al., Nature Neuroscience 21:1196-1208 (2018)


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