
Oferta postdoctoral en Rutgers University, NJ, US

Oferta postdoctoral en Rutgers University, NJ, US
Fecha límite
1 Noviembre 2021

A position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Maria E. Solesio, Department of Biology, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey, Camden Campus. The research will focus on elucidating the mechanisms that drive mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegeneration and aging, using cellular and animal models. A successful candidate is expected to independently conduct her or his own research project under supervision.
Applicant qualifications:
• PhD in cell biology, biochemistry, neuroscience, pharmacology or related fields. Preferably, applicants should have obtained their PhD within the last twoyears.
• Experience in mitochondria and/or neuroscience and/or aging and/or protein biology (or related biomedical disciplines) is highly desired, as well as knowledge of basic cell biology, biochemistry and microscopy techniques.
• Self-motivated and hard-working.
• Evidence of prior research productivity.
For non-US citizens, pertaining visas can be sponsored.
Please, submit a cover letter describing previous research experience and current interests, curriculum vitae including list of publications and contact details of at least two references to Dr. Maria E. Solesio, m.solesio en


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