
Nanotecnología de ADN y auto-ensamblaje en medio acuoso - ofertas para estudiantes de máster y predoc

Nanotecnología de ADN y auto-ensamblaje en medio acuoso - ofertas para estudiantes de máster y predoc
Fecha límite
30 septiembre 2021

The I+D+i project Designer DNA-Polymer Assemblies for Therapeutic Delivery, DeDNAmers, invites applications for young researcher positions.

DeDNAmers provides excellent research and training opportunities for young researchers in the field of DNA nanotechnology and polymer self-assembly in aqueous media. Structural nucleic acid nanotechnology is now a key tool within the wider Physical and Life Sciences realm. Drug delivery is one particular area, which has witnessed major developments driven by nanoparticle assisted therapies, including those based on DNA nanostructures (DNS). DeDNAmers will address some of the most important challenges in DNA-assisted drug delivery and provide both fundamental understanding on the biological behaviour of DNS and novel methodologies to formulate DNS therapeutic materials.

We are seeking for motivated and enthusiastic young researchers (master, PhD) with an excellent academic background in Chemistry, Biotechnology, Material Science or related disciplines. The successful applicants will become members of a multidisciplinary team of chemists, biotechnologists and physicists working towards the creation of novel DNA-polymer hybrid drug delivery materials, and their formulation (nanoparticles and hydrogels).

There are a series of funding opportunities (beca predoc FPI and programa PI2 INMA among others) available for applicants with the following skills and qualifications:

• Have a BSc or MSc in Chemistry, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, or a related discipline
• Excellent academic record
• Have a strong oral and written communication skills in English (> B2)
• Applicants holding an MSc degree should be willing to enrol on a PhD program at UNIZAR
• We also welcome applications from students holding a BSc degree who plan to enrol on a UNIZAR Master course (for example: Máster Universitario NANOMAT, Máster Universitario en Biología Molecular, Máster Universitario en Química Molecular y Catálisis Homogénea), and are interested in working towards a TFM in the laboratories of the group

Candidates should send an application containing the following:

• A brief CV (2 pages maximum)
• Education (BSc and/or MSc degree) and qualification report

The application should be submitted to (i) Dr. Silvia Hernández-Ainsa ( and (ii) Dr. Jesús del Barrio Lasheras ( by the 30th of September.

For more information, please contact Silvia or Jesús directly. Silvia and Jesús are members of the group E47_20R, Cristales Líquidos y Polímeros (, at INMA (


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