
The IBB research institut from the UAB wants to attract talent in the call for grants for the requalification of the Spanish university system

The IBB research institut from the UAB wants to attract talent in the call for grants for the requalification of the Spanish university system
Fecha límite
September 30th 2021 (in case the grant is applied in the UAB)

From the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB), the UAB's own institute, we are interested in being a receiving institution for young candidates to the grants Margarita Sales and also promote the incorporation of international talent through the grants María Zambrano

The IBB’s mission is to discover and accelerate the development and implementation of relevant clinical knowledge and science-based products to make it easier for patients to live longer and in better conditions.

The IBB has an excellent scientific background in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine and we stand out for collaborative and multidisciplinary research in order to advance in the frontiers of knowledge and innovation. We have a record of excellent publications, with an average of 86 publications per year, of which 80% are in Q1 and 50% in D1 (ratio of 0.72 publications / researcher per year) and in addition, we are characterized by our links with the UAB departments at the faculties where we teach but also and by the access to all the infrastructure and services offered at UAB university campus.

Currently, around 120 researchers carry out their research at the IBB, which has 18 different research groups organized in 3 programs:

o Applied proteomics and protein engineering
o Genomics in evolution and disease
o Response mechanisms to stress and disease

We offer a wide range of scientific project options in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine, using experimental or computational techniques, as you can see on our website. Within biomedicine, we focus on developing tools to understand, diagnose, or treat diseases such as Parkinson, cancer, diabetes, and bacterial resistance, among others. However, we also work on issues of interest to society or industry such as fertility and species conservation, protein production of industrial interest, enzymology or drug design and genomics.

Some of the lines of research that would be available to recipients of these grants would be:

__- "Theoretical design of drugs related to lipoxygenases and cyclooxygenases for inflammatory-based diseases: Combining Molecular Dynamics Simulations and QM/MM calculations" (Group Dr. Josep Mª Lluch)
- “Functional and evolutionary analysis of inversions in the human genome” (Group Dr. Mario Cáceres)
- “Molecular basis of spermiogenesis and development of biotechnologies for the in vitro production of fertile sperm in zebrafish” (Group Dr. Joan Cerdà)
- “Novel platforms for protein expression in yeasts: Synthetic biology approaches to exploit pH-regulatable promoters” (Group Dr. Joaquín Ariño)
- “Exploring the dynamics of genome architecture and gene function in Vertebrates': The central goal of this project is to investigate the evolutionary plasticity and function of higher-order vertebrate genome organization, and how this is transmitted to the offspring by using a multidisciplinary approach that will combine cutting-edge computational and experimental methods” (Group Dra. Aurora Ruiz)
- "Nanocarriers design and validation for the treatment and diagnosis of brain diseases" (Group Dra. Julia Lorenzo).
- “Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation and post-translational modification of proteins. Beyond protein control of the genome" (Group Dr. David Reverter)
- “Mycoplasma genitalium, emergent pathogen and model of minimal genome/cell” (Group Dr. Enrique Querol)
- "INSIDECURE: Evolving human brain peptides targeting α-synuclein toxic species with extreme potency and specificity into an oral therapy to fight Parkinson's disease” (Group Dr. Salvador Ventura)
- “Functional characterization of novel genes required for mammalian gametogenesis” (Group Dr. Ignasi Roig)__

If you are willing to do research at the IBB, whether your interest matches exactly these research lines or not, we encourage you to contact us at promocio.ibb en to better explore your interests and, depending on the related research we carry out at the IBB, we will be able to refer you to the appropriate group and guide you on the corresponding grants.

More info on the typology of grants, salaries, eligibility and terms of application at the attached document or at" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">our website.


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