
Oferta plaza postdoctoral en Polonia (biología celular/cáncer)

Oferta plaza postdoctoral en Polonia (biología celular/cáncer)
Fecha límite
9 de abril de 2021

Competition for the post of a RESEARCH ASSISTANT (postdoctoral researcher) at the
Chair and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Medical University
of Lublin

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Lublin announces a
competition for the full-time post of a RESEARCH ASSISTANT (postdoctoral researcher)
at the Chair and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Medical
University of Lublin. The position is part of the project “A tissue engineering platform
for precision cancer medicine and chemosensitivity testing in head and neck squamous
cell carcinoma”, financed by the NCN (National Science Centre).
16pfoa/streszczenia/486803-pl.pdf link ->project title

Terms of employment:
• employment contract for a period of 2 years with the possibility of extension for another 2
• planned starting date: May/June 2021
• salary level approx. 10.000 PLN gross-gross (total cost of the employer)
The list of necessary documents required from the candidates:
1. Request addressed to the Dean.
2. C.V. – form.
3. Personal questionnaire for a person applying for employment.
4. Information clause and statement of the processing of personal date.
5. The statement of the absence of direct reporting line.
6. The statement of no criminal record
7. Certified copy of a doctor’s diploma.
8. Evaluation card in the research area
9. Certificate on gained scientific output issued by the Library at the Medical University
of Lublin or the copies of publications admitted for printing.
The abovementioned documents issued in a foreign language should be translated into

Interested persons are invited to send the abovementioned documents by post to Dean’s Office
of Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University Chodźki 19 Street, 20-093 Lublin and via
e-mail to: dziek.lek en till April 9th 2021.

Additionally, please attach the following documents only in English as one pdf file (max 15
Mb) and send it to: agnieszkastyczynska en
• a brief motivation letter outlining why you are interested in the position, your previous
research projects and work experience (CV) and your career goals.
• A description of your PhD project and its outcome
• the copies of all relevant diplomas, and the complete list of your degrees and relevant
• complete list of conference abstracts and/or publications
• two referees (name and contact information)

The best candidates will be invited for about 30 minutes job interview.
Contact person: Aleksandra Krupicz, aleksandrakrupicz en, +48 (81) 44 86 305,
Principal Investigator: Prof. Matthias Nees, matthias.nees en


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