
Contrato postdoc en modelización multiescala de nanomateriales

Contrato postdoc en modelización multiescala de nanomateriales
Fecha límite
3 Marzo de 2021

Call Title: Postdoc Position- Multiscale Modelling of Nanomaterials Toxicology and Sustainability
Contact person: Santiago Aparicio (, 947 258 062)
Department: ICCRAM and Department of Chemistry - University of Burgos (Spain)
Category: Researcher
Workday: Full time
Duration: 24 months.
Gross monthly remuneration: 2500

Aim: The Analysis and Simulation of Materials Group (AdF) of ICCRAM and Department of Chemistry, together with the Consolidated Research Unit 305 at the University of Burgos, located in the north of Spain, aims to bring new theoretical and computational methodologies to guarantee long-term nanosafety and contribute to fill current gaps in Risk Assessment (RA) and Risk Management (RM) research for multicomponent nanomaterials (MCNMs) and functionalized high-aspect ratio nanomaterials (HARNs) along their life cycle, making emphasis in the interactions between NM constituents, with other particles and the environment, as well as their release rate and fate, relying on multiscale modelling (in silico) research.

Requirements of the candidate: PhD degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Engineering., Chemical Engineering or related disciplines with experience in multiscale modelling of materials (first principles, molecular dynamics, kinetic Monte Carlo, computational fluid dynamics,...). the knowledge of QSAR , QSPR approaches for toxicity and ecotoxicity as well as experience in nanodescriptors is considered.
At least 15 research articles published in international journals included in JCR/PubMed.
Great communicative (both written and spoken) skills in English (at least C1 level). Proven international professional expertise and excellent collaborative skills. Able to work independently with little supervision.
Availability and willingness to travel abroad for project meetings and research secondments.


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