
Oferta Contrato Predoctoral (PIF) Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao en Energía Marina

Oferta Contrato Predoctoral (PIF) Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao en Energía Marina
Fecha límite

Se adjunta oferta de Contrato Predoctoral (PIF) en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao.

Por tanto se debe tener el Master acabado o estudios equivalentes que den acceso a doctorado.

Se valorará un expediente alto, la afinidad con la temática y experiencia en publicaciones. Así como la posibilidad de concurrir a convocatorias predoctorales (FOPU, GV, UPV/EHU, etc.).

Más información a continuación:

Open position at the Engineering School of Bilbao / Oferta de trabajo en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao

A position is available for a highly motivated student with interest in Automatic Control applications to Ocean Energy in the ACG Lab in Bilbao, Spain.
The goal of the project is to develop new-generation active control techniques for oscillating water column in off-shore floating wind platforms. For this, the successful candidate will perform simulation-based studies for control assessment as well as validation experiments with control-oriented work-bench laboratory equipment.

Position description
We are looking for a hard-working, motivated, and talented student with a special interest in Automatic Control and its applications to Ocean Energy. The student will work at the ACG Lab at the Engineering School of Bilbao in the University of the Basque Country (Spain).
Wave energy composes a direct and easy way of harnessing power from the Ocean. Among the different techniques used, OWC devices stand as one of the most promising one. NEREIDA MOWC demonstration project is a breakwater wave plant located in Basque location of Mutriku. Since one of the main objectives when dealing with renewable energies is to make them economically viable to compete with fossil fuels and nuclear fission, all technological improvements are particularly welcome. The candidate will build upon previous research so as to appropriately adapt the OWC controls to a specific off-shore wind platform.
The objective is to develop, in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid, new control mechanisms for Oscillating Water Column wave energy converters to improve the off-shore wind platforms. The work comprises three phases:
1) State-of-the-art control techniques will be identified and analyzed through software simulation.
2) New controllers will be developed for oscillating water column in off-shore wind platforms.
3) Validation of the developed control techniques through real measurements with control-oriented work-bench equipment.
The position is expected to lead to a Ph.D. degree.

Candidates are required to have at least the grade in Engineering such as Electronics or related disciplines (Computer Sciences, Physics, etc.). Priority will be given to those who either have or are currently studying a Master's degree in these areas. Candidates are expected to have good mathematical skills (algebra, statistics and optimization) and knowledge on control and programming are essential (Matlab, real-time, C++). Preferable qualifications for candidates include a good level of English, demonstrated research skills and good academic writing and presentation skills. Contract conditions will vary according to the candidate.

Applications can be sent to ispgahei en All applications should include a detailed CV, motivation letter, list of your M.Sc. courses or Grades, copy of your Grade or Master's thesis and preferably a list of publications. For more information about our lab and university, please, visit


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