
Postdoctoral Position in Single-Cell Genomics (m/f/d) Tasks:

Postdoctoral Position in Single-Cell Genomics (m/f/d) Tasks:
Fecha límite

LMU Munich, Germany, Faculty of Biology
(position located at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne)

Starting date:
November 1, 2019 or later

Apply until:
31.10.2019 (position remains open until filled)

TV-L, E13

three years

Postdoctoral Position in Single-Cell Genomics (m/f/d)
Come join us exploring the diversity of single genomes and transcriptomes in individual plant organisms! We use latest single cell genomic technologies to get insights in the somatic genomic dynamics (including somatic recombination and mutation rates). At the same time, we use our experience to advance technology in this field. You will have the possibility to learn computational methods for the analysis of multidimensional genome data.
Your qualifications:
Academic degree plus a PhD in molecular biology including experience in computational data analysis.
Knowledge of next-generation sequencing data analysis and scripting languages.
Profound experience in sequencing methods (e.g. ChIP-seq).
Fluency in English
We offer:
We are a multi-disciplinary group including bioinformaticians, biologists and biotechnologists ( Our approach to science is curiosity-driven, and is closely aligned to our interest in new technologies. Scientific support comes from a wide range of facilities (genomics, microscopy, high performance computing cluster) and lab technicians. The position will be based at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne in the group of Korbinian Schneeberger. Salaries will be based on previous experience according to TV-L guidelines.
Have we raised your interest? Please submit your application until 31th of October 2019 (including a CV, list of publications, two references and a brief statement of research interests) to Korbinian Schneeberger (


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