
Beca para realizar el Proyecto de Master con financiación en "“Molecular basis of the inflammatory response using zebrafish as a model”.

Beca para realizar el Proyecto de Master con financiación en "“Molecular basis of the inflammatory response using zebrafish as a model”.
Fecha límite


The Immunology and Genomics Group of the Institute of Marine Research (CSIC) offers a Master thesis grant to students already enrolled in a Master programme at any European University interested in starting a research career. The succeful candidate will spend a period of fellowship in the research group working on: “Molecular basis of the inflammatory response using zebrafish as a model”.
The student will use transcriptomic studies (RNA seq) and several bioinformatic tools to analyze the modulation of the inflammatory response of macrophages and neutrophils against infections. Using zebrafish (Danio rerio) we can study the role of different genes in the innate immune response, mainly those with relevance in human inflammatory diseases.

Supervisors: Antonio Figueras ( and Beatriz Novoa (
Research Group Information:


Deadline: The first date-line is 30 September 2019. However, if not suitable candidates are selected a second collection date is fixed at 30 November 2019.

Location: the successful candidates will be based at Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (Institute of Marine Research) in Vigo, Spain.

Host institution: The IIM is part of the Spanish Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). The CSIC is the largest public research institution in Spain and the third largest in Europe, hosting over 4000 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers across 138 institutes. Its mission is to foster, coordinate, develop and promote scientific and technological research, of a multidisciplinary nature, in order to contribute to advancing knowledge and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to train staff and advise public and private entities on this matter.
The institute is a multidisciplinary research center aimed at contributing to the sustainable development objectives from different research lines: ocean status in regards to climate change, fisheries and aquaculture as means of food supply and food science and technology towards human health.

Funding: The fellowship will be funded with a monthly stipend of 800€ up to a total of 4,800 € (6 months). The scholarship will not be considered salary or remuneration, but scholarship training.

Period and duration: The intended duration of each fellowship is 6 months, ideally between January and June 2020, although eventually the research stay may be started earlier and finished not later than August 31 2020. It is compulsory to stay from January to March 2020.

Requirements: Applicants must hold a first degree in biology, biotechnology, veterinary sciences or similar and should not have initiated the Master Thesis, but should be already enrolled in a master programme. A minimum of 8 grade point average is needed.

Training: IIM offers during the research stay a range of short training courses, as i) code of good scientific practice; ii) data management and open science; iii) public outreach and media communication. Regular scientific seminars are also hosted at IIM. The fellows must give a seminar about their thesis results.

Application procedure: Applicants should prepare a single PDF document with
1. A letter of motivation (no more than 1 page)
2. A CV (no more than 4 pages). The CV must include:
-Basic personal data (date and place of birth, citizenship, language proficiency)
-Education and work experience
-Grade point average (GPA) over all courses, excluding the thesis grade for each
diploma. GPA must be provided in the original scale (provided by the corresponding University) plus in 0 -10.00 scales.

Applicants may contact with: Antonio Figueras (, Beatriz Novoa (Beatriz Novoa ( to obtain more information and to submit the application.


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