
FPU2015 in Nanoscience/Biophysics

FPU2015 in Nanoscience/Biophysics
Fecha límite
Thinking about applying for FPU 2015? Consider the group of Membrane Nanomechanics (Biophysics Unit, University of the Basque country, Bilbao, http://biofisika.org). The prospective candidate is expected to participate in international collaborative projects focused on membrane remodeling by proteins (Shnyrova et. al, Science, 2013; Matilla et al., Nature 2015) and synthetic membrane channels based upon carbon nanotubes (Geng et al., Nature 2014). We are looking for a highly motivated person dedicated to research with the background either in physics or biochemistry/cell biology (average mark higher than 8 is desirable). If interested, please, contact Vadim Frolov (vadim.frolov@ehu.eus) or Anna Shnyrova (anna.shnyrova@ehu.eus) before December 16, 2015. General information about the FPU stipend can be found at http://www.mecd.gob.es/servicios-al-ciudadano-mecd/catalogo/educacion/becas-ayudas-subvenciones/formacion/998758.html.

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