
Beca Predoctoral AECC 2015

Beca Predoctoral AECC 2015
Fecha límite
8 de junio de 2015

Se busca licenciado o graduado con Máster en Biología, Biotecnología, Bioquímica o similares como candidato a las becas predoctorales de la AECC 2015 de la Junta Provincial de Valladolid. Preferible con nota media superior a 2.0.
Tema: "Alteraciones de splicing y transcripción de genes supresores de tumores en cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario"

Interesados contactar con Dr. Eladio V. eavelsam en
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Principales publicaciones del grupo:
Acedo, A. et al. Functional Classification of BRCA2 DNA Variants by Splicing Assays in a Large Minigene with 9 Exons. Hum. Mutat. 36, 210–221 (2015).
Ruiz de Garibay, G. et al. Capillary electrophoresis analysis of conventional splicing assays: IARC analytical and clinical classification of 31 BRCA2 genetic variants. Hum. Mutat. 35, 53–7 (2014).
Lara, B. et al. Severe alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in composite heterozygotes inheriting a new splicing mutation QOMadrid. Respir. Res. 15, 125 (2014).
Infante, M. et al. The highly prevalent BRCA2 mutation c.2808_2811del (3036delACAA) is located in a mutational hotspot and has multiple origins. Carcinogenesis 34, 2505–11 (2013).
Acedo, A. et al. Comprehensive splicing functional analysis of DNA variants of the BRCA2 gene by hybrid minigenes. Breast Cancer Res. 14, R87 (2012).
Sanz, D. J. et al. A high proportion of DNA variants of BRCA1 and BRCA2 is associated with aberrant splicing in breast/ovarian cancer patients. Clin. Cancer Res. 16, 1957–67 (2010).
Infante, M. et al. BRCA1 5272-1G>A and BRCA2 5374delTATG are founder mutations of high relevance for genetic counselling in breast/ovarian cancer
Velasco, E. et al. Heteroduplex analysis by capillary array electrophoresis for rapid mutation detection in large multiexon genes. Nat. Protoc. 2, 237–46 (2007).


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