
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Pain Research

Post-Doctoral Fellow in Pain Research
Fecha límite
January 30, 2015

Description: The Molecular Neuropharmacology Group at the Research Institute Sant Pau Hospital is accepting applications for a Post-doctoral Scholarship program in the laboratory of Dr. Olga Pol

The Post-doctoral fellow will examine the development of new targets in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy in mice

Qualifications: Candidates must have a PhD in Neuroscience or a related discipline. The candidates will have obtained a doctorate from 1 January 2010 and 31 September 2012 (understood as the date of obtaining the qualification date of reading and approval of the thesis) and a minimum of 2 years of postdoctoral experience outside Spain. The candidate must also have a track record of academic success as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications and technical expertise in animal pain research

Application Details: Interested applicants please provide: 1) a cover letter with statement of research experience and interests, 2) curriculum vitae and 3) contact details for two potential academic referees

Deadline for application: January 30, 2015

Submit applications via email to Olga Pol: opol en

Visit for an overview of the laboratory.


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