
Contrato FPI "Explorando nuevas rutas de intervención sobre la cascada de señalización activada por hipoxia" (CIC bioGUNE, Bilbao)

Contrato FPI "Explorando nuevas rutas de intervención sobre la cascada de señalización activada por hipoxia" (CIC bioGUNE, Bilbao)
Fecha límite

FPI Predoctoral position (Bilbao, Spain)

A FPI Predoctoral contract funded by the MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) is available to investigate “New intervention routes to target the hypoxia-signalling pathway” (BFU2013-46647-R). This pathway is essential during embryonic development and in adulthood but it is also associated with pathologies such as neurodegenerative or ischemic diseases, inflammatory and metabolic disorders, and cancer. Accordingly, there is a great interest to develop new drugs targeting the hypoxia-signalling pathway.

The successful candidate will join the laboratory headed by Dr. Edurne Berra in the Cell Biology and Stem Cells Unit at CIC bioGUNE ( We are looking for a highly motivated candidate holding a Master degree in life sciences. Background in biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, and fluency in English and communication skills will be positively considered. Experience on animal models would be a plus.

Applications by email, including a statement of research interests together with a full CV and reference letters from two referees, should be send to eberra en


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