
Grant for a PhD thesis on Metal Speciation. Chemistry Department, Universitat de Lleida

Grant for a PhD thesis on Metal Speciation. Chemistry Department, Universitat de Lleida
Fecha límite
22 septiembre 2014

Grant for a PhD thesis on Metal Speciation
(PhD position)

The thesis will continue the development of DGT (Diffusion Gradients in Thin Films) while comparing and improving other emerging analytical techniques (DMT, AGNES, etc.), to gain an understanding of the distribution of a metal ion in its chemical forms and the ensuing (bio)availability. Possible applications: environmental, toxicological and agrifood studies (from dissolution of nanoparticles in natural waters to the impact of metals on the quality of wine). Most of the thesis will have an experimental focus, although theoretical components might be included following the interests of the candidate.
Salary (before taxes): 14400 Euro first year; 15600 Euro 2nd and 3rd years.
Period of the grant: 3 years.
Deadline for application: 22 September 2014 (but some steps should be carried out before that).

The hosting research group in the Universitat de Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) has published ca. 50 articles in high impact journals since 2008.

Requirements for the candidates: Very good marks in a degree in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences or other fields related with Analytical and Physical Chemistry. The Master studies must be finished in the period 1 Jan 2012 to 30 Sep 2014 or Degree with 300 ECTS. Fluent English. High motivation for research.

Applications should be sent to galceran en with: i) a very complete CV (including photo and mails and telephones of 2 or 3 possible scientists for references), ii) a motivation letter, iii) the list of the subjects followed in the degree (and in the master) with qualifications and number of credits (university certificates) iv) (highest) certificate of English knowledge and v) a summary (between 0.5 and 2 pages long) of the (research) Master thesis (project or equivalent).

More information: (34) 973 70 28 26 and (see Publications, Photos, Fellowships, etc. )


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