
Beca Predoctoral Química Teórica / Física - ICIQ (Tarragona)

Beca Predoctoral Química Teórica / Física - ICIQ (Tarragona)
Fecha límite

__Theoretical Simulations in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Supervisor: Núria López
Reference: 01/14C-9__

The program is open to graduate students from any nationality that fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
a.- Hold a Master Degree in the areas of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry or Chemical Engineering or an equivalent degree which allows them to start PhD studies.
b.- Be admitted in a PhD Programme (URV university) at the time of the signature of the pre-doctoral contract.
All the application procedure will be done online!en-US/976/DesktopDefault.aspx
After completing online the personal data fields, applicants must attach in a PDF file the following documents:
a. Copy of the academic record of the studies which provide access to the PhD program. For degrees obtained in foreign institutions, the academic record must include the range of marks used in the country of origin and the minimum mark to pass.
b. Curriculum Vitae, specifying the completed degree and any relevant professional experience.
c. Copy of the admission document to a PhD program. If the applicant doesn't have it yet, it will be required at the moment of the acceptance of the grant.

Grant's conditions
The students admitted in a PhD Program will be considered research personnel in training and they will have an employment contract (a pre-doctoral contract) which is regulated in the Spanish Law 14/2011, of June 1st, of Science, Technology and Education.
The gross yearly salary of the contract shall be €14.100 (1st and 2nd year) and €16.200 (3rd and 4th year), split into 12 monthly payments.
The grant holder is entitled to temporary interrupt the grant in the following situations: temporary disability, risk during pregnancy, maternity, paternity and adoption or foster care. The time elapsed during this interruption will not be accounted for against the total time.
The starting date of the grant will be agreed between the beneficiary and the supervisor. The contract will take effect on the date when the awarded student joins the center.
The PhD fellowship includes the costs of enrolment in the PhD program. These costs will be paid by each beneficiary to the university, and later they will be refunded by the ICIQ.


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