
International Fellowship Program for Postdocs at Paul Scherrer Institute

International Fellowship Program for Postdocs at Paul Scherrer Institute
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PSI-FELLOW/COFUND - International Fellowship Program for Postdocs

The Paul Scherrer Institute is the largest research centre for the natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland and a worldwide leading user laboratory. Its research activities are concentrated on the main topics structure of matter, energy and environmental research as well as human health.

In the framework of the international fellowship program "PSI-FELLOW", PSI is offering scientists and engineers challenging opportunities in all main topics listed above. The program provides an excellent possibility for work, research and training to those who are interested in science and technology at the highest level.

PSI-FELLOW runs under COFUND (Marie Curie Action under the European Commission's 7th Framework Program). The goal is to submit a successful grant application for a subsequent research project at PSI. The

application has to be made together with a senior scientist at PSI, who will act as the fellow's mentor. After a stringent selection process ensuring that the best candidates are selected each successful fellow is offered a 24 months contract.

Please find the job announcement for the following four grand thematic areas on

- Materials and Matter (index no. 0201-00)

- Human Health and Life-Sciences (index no. 0202-00)

- Energy & Environment (index no. 0203-00)

- Accelerator Concepts, beam characterization methods and detectors (index no. 0204-00)

Read more:


You will conduct your own research in the framework of the proposed project and in collaboration with your future team.


You hold a PhD degree in one of the PSI related scientific fields and a strong scientific background in the theme mentioned above. You have a publication record with at least one original accepted first author publication in press or published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The program is open for candidates from EC Member States, associated or third countries.

Please read the eligibility criteria carefully:

How to apply ?

- Check the eligibility criteria:

- Contact the mentor in your field of interest (

- Elaborate the written application (for more details about the proposal preparation and submission procedure please refer to the applicant guide and project template:

- Register at and submit the application online

In case of questions please read the Frequently Asked Questions on or contact: psifellow en

Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources, Miriam Zehnder, 5232 Villigen-PSI, Switzerland


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