
Beca Predoctoral QUÍMICA (3-4 años) para incorporarse a un proyecto ERC-Advanced Grant

Beca Predoctoral QUÍMICA (3-4 años) para incorporarse a un proyecto ERC-Advanced Grant
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Our Group (|Our group) is seeking a talented young chemist to join a team working in a prestigious project funded by the European Research Council (ERC-Advanced Grant).
This is an excellent opportunity to learn and work in a challenging and cutting‐edge research environment.

RESEARCH TOPIC: “Study and development of organometallic transformations compatible with biological environments”.
Prof. José L. Mascareñas:
Project title:“Metal catalysis in biological habitats: New strategies for optical bio‐sensing and targeted therapy”

Research Center: CIQUS, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Starting Date: October 2014. 3-4 years contract (annual evaluation).


  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry, and academic rank higher than 8.5 (over 10).
  • Be accepted in the Master of Chemistry or PhD Program in Chemical Sciences and Technologies at the USC at the time of the signature of the pre‐doctoral contract.
  • We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team‐working ability.
  • Previous experience in research activities in chemical biology, as well as synthesis and/or organometallic chemistry will be highly considered.
  • The name and email of two contacting professors or researchers that know the candidate should be provided.

APPLICATIONS: Send a brief CV (maximum 2 pages) by e‐mail to joseluis.mascarenas en, indicating in the subject AdG 340055‐METBIOCAT.

Deadline: June 30th, 2014|


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