
Convocatoria ANR (French National Research Agency)

Convocatoria ANR (French National Research Agency)
Fecha límite
Sin especificar

Información desde el ICTP ( Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros, Madrid)

"Se ha abierto la convocatoria por parte del ANR (French National Research Agency) francés "Hosting high-level researchers (@RAction)" abierta tanto a jóvenes investigadores como a seniors:

The programme aims to promote the hosting of prominent junior or senior researchers from abroad, by offering them substantial funding to carry out ambitious research in France. The programme is intended to enable host entities to strengthen their international visibility and appeal through innovative research and by availing themselves of new international networks.

@RAction programme will offer between €150,000 and €900,000 in funding.

The conditions of candidacy are simple:

• reside abroad (or have arrived in France recently)
• for young researchers: have spent at least 24 months outside the French territory during their post-doctoral career, and have defended their thesis before 1st July 2012
• for the other researchers: have spent the majority of their career abroad

There is no age limit for candidates.


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