
PhD positions, junior engineer positions and postdoctoral positions in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

PhD positions, junior engineer positions and postdoctoral positions in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
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AtlantTIC Research Center for Information and Communications Technologies affiliated with the University of Vigo, Spain, invites applications for PhD positions, junior engineer positions and postdoctoral positions in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. AtlantTIC integrates several worldwide reference groups in different fields of telecommunications. This fact is supported by international publications (more than 80 journal papers and more than 200 conference publications in 2013), awards to the defended Ph. D. theses (several Best Ph. D. Thesis Awards of the Spanish Official Institute of Telecommunications Engineers), significant research projects’ income (about 25 million euros in the last five years) and some of its members being Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions. The selected candidates will join the different research groups in AtlantTIC to investigate in any of the following areas:
Signal Processing
Digital Communications
Electromagnetic Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Networks and Telecommunication Services

Positions are funded by the participation in several research projects. Participation to workshops, conferences, and project meetings is expected.

Contract conditions, applications, specific requirements… (


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