
Postdoctoral Position in Thin Film Li-ion microbatteries

Postdoctoral Position in Thin Film Li-ion microbatteries
Fecha límite

Description of the work

The candidate will develop all-solid-state Li-ion batteries based on thin films fully integrated in Silicon technology. The work is part of the European Project SiNERGY (Silicon friendly materials and device solutions for microenergy applications) dealing with the implementation of energy harvesters and batteries for powering nodes of wireless sensor networks.

In particular, we look for a materials researcher with experience in materials for Li-ion batteries. The work will be focused on thin film growth by PLD and electrochemical characterization of the components and devices. Large-area PLD deposition with combinatorial capability will allow depositing compositional maps for materials searching.

We offer a one-year contract with possibility of extension to two years. The labs are located in Barcelona (Spain) and the salary will be fixed according to the experience of the candidate.

Research Fields

Chemistry - Combinatorial chemistry
Physics - Solid state physics
Engineering - Materials Engineering

Career Stage

Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application e-mail

atarancon en

Albert Tarancón Rubio
Head of Nanoionics and Fuel Cells Group
Department of Advanced Materials for Energy
Catalonia Institute for Energy Research-IREC

C/Jardí de les Dones de Negre, 1, Planta 2
E-08930, Sant Adrià del Besòs, Barcelona (SPAIN)


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