
Doctoral and master scholarships 2013

Doctoral and master scholarships 2013
Fecha límite

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili is a young university 60 mi South of Barcelona dedicated to achieving excellence high quality in research and education. Within Spain, the URV is ranked 3rd in normalized impact factor of its scientific production and 4th in the number of publications per investigator. This doctoral programme offers the possibility to perform cutting edge research with award winning and multi-project recipient faculty.

We seek candidates with an outstanding academic record and strong written and communication skills who are motivated to pursue a degree in the areas of nanoscience, materials and chemical engineering.

Type I (only PhD, master's degree required): contracts for the most qualified applicants, renewable on an annual basis for a maximum of 3 years (approx. 13.700€). Applicants with their own funding or candidates with external fellowships are welcomed.
Type II (integrated MSc+ PhD): We offer a limited number of study grants for the most qualified applicants.
- 1st year: 3.000€ (approx.) for tuition fees + 4.000€ for living expenses + up to 2.000€ for moving expenses once the candidate has been accepted to the doctoral programme.
- 2nd to 4th year: the same amount as Type I (approx. 13.700€)

For more information and applications forms:


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