
Candidate PFIS

Candidate PFIS
Fecha límite
31 de març del 2012

We have recently obtained a FIS grant for the research project (PI11/00454). This grant allows us to apply for a Ph.D. scholarship from the PFIS program with a strong candidate with an excellent GPA and keen interest in glycosylation in cancer.

Associated project: Glycosylation in Cancer: Polymorphism, Differential Susceptibility, and Altered Expression

Specific objectives: We seek to elucidate the role and significance of the glycosyltransferase genes, including the ABO gene, in carcinogenesis and eventually to translate the knowledge into the development of molecular tools to be used for cancer diagnosis and prognosis determination.
There are 5 interrelated specific aims designed to:

  1. Identify cell-surface glycoproteins that carry A/B antigens
  2. Determine the effects of the ABO phenotype on the susceptibility toward morphological transformation and also on the morphology and growth properties of cells
  3. Examine the potential role ABO gene polymorphism may play in pancreatic carcinogenesis
  4. Characterize the molecular mechanisms of activation/inactivation of transcription of glycosyltransferase and glycosidase genes in cancer
  5. Prepare a library of cells exhibiting different glycosylation profiles by the introduction of the selected repertoires of glycosyltransferase genes into the cells exhibiting minimal core structures of glycolipid

Requirements: Graduate degree (Licenciado) obtained later than January 1st 2009 in a biomedical discipline is required. Those students with an academic degree mean score of 2.0 or above will be considered strong candidates. Previous research experience/publications and English fluency may be advantageous.

Conditions: The fellowship will last for 48 months (the grant period:1300€/month, including salary and employer’s contribution to social security; second 24 months as a contract: 27000€/year including salary and employer’s contribution to social security)

For additional information please consult the webpage guidelines (

Those who are interested should send an e-mail to Fumiichiro Yamamoto (, together with a letter of interest, CV, and academic transcript. The deadline is set on Sunday, April 1st, 2012


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