
2 becas predoctorales, ICIQ, Tarragona - 1 Físic@ + 1 Químic@/Químic@ Computacional

2 becas predoctorales, ICIQ, Tarragona - 1 Físic@ + 1 Químic@/Químic@ Computacional
Fecha límite

Tenemos dos becas abiertas para hacer el doctorado en el Institut Català d'Investigació Química en Tarragona.

Imprescindible tener un máster acabado.

Beca 1: para candidat@s con un máster en Física

Info y aplicativo para la solicitud:

Beca 2: para candidat@s con un máster en Química y conocimientos de química teórica/computacional

Info y aplicativo para la solicitud:

¡Esperamos vuestras candidaturas!

The Fully-Funded PhD Programme offered by The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is aimed at exceptional graduate students from all over the world, to support their enrolment in a training and research programme in the field of chemistry, ultimately leading to the completion of a Doctoral Thesis in partnership with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). The programme will also contribute to their professional career development, in the fields of academia and industry.

This objective is achieved by:

The performance of an individual research project under the direction of an internationally renowned Group Leader, in a creative and stimulating scientific environment.
Opportunities for short stays in distinguished international research institutions.
Opportunities for complementary training in both technical and soft skills. Trainings are designed to ensure a successful career: weekly scientific seminars, hands-on training in the use of state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation, IP management, entrepreneurship, research integrity, knowledge and technology transfer, grant applications, project management, communication skills and career development. ICIQ offers a yearly personalized training programme for PhD students, SHARP, which takes place during the course of 2 weeks, with trainings focused on their given PhD year.
The programme is addressed to highly qualified and talented graduate students with a keen interest in chemical research. Candidates should have an excellent academic record, strong commitment to scientific research and a solid working knowledge of English.

Admission to the programme is on a competitive basis.


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