
PhD Fellowships at the University of Santiago de Compostela

PhD Fellowships at the University of Santiago de Compostela
Fecha límite
20 de Septiembre de 2011

__Good Degree in Biomedical Sciences?
Interested in biological and medical research?__

We offer fully funded PhD places across the International Doctoral School of Biomedical Science and Health Technologies at the University of Santiago de Compostela, USC (Spain).

Candidates are invited to apply for one of the 7 fellowships in any of the eligible projects. These projects have been selected as an example of the challenges the biomedical and health industries will have to answer in a nearby future, so they cover a wide range of topics from basic to applied research.

We welcome applications from students who hold, or are on target to achieve, top degrees in any life science MsC. The text and conditions of the call, as well as a list of eligible projects and the application forms can be found at:

For any questions related with the procedure or any other query, you can contact the Technical Office of the EDI at: EDI.campusvida en


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