Convocatorias Predoctorales: FPI, FPU, CCAA, Fundaciones

Convocatorias Predoctorales: FPI, FPU, CCAA, Fundaciones

Oferta concreta y Becas para hacer la tesis en EMBL

mensajes: 3

The Koehn group at EMBL Heidelberg is seeking chemists that are interested in working in the interdisciplinary area of Chemical Biology. We are investigating a phosphatase that is promoting cancer metastasis. We employ peptide - and phosphoinositide chemistry, protein semisynthesis as well as biochemical and imaging techniques to search for inhibitors and substrates of this phosphatase and to study its regulation and function. For more information please see or contact Maja Koehn: koehn en Please see also the following announcement in this context:

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has just opened a new call for Research Fellowships at the EMBL. These fellowships are designed for postdoctoral research but also open for PhD candidates (who would also have to pass the EMBL PhD Selection procedure) and are open for applications to all groups at EMBL. The application period closes on November 20th. For further information please see Candidates are encouraged to contact EMBL group and team leaders before submitting the application

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